Commission of Inquiry Poll

September 10, 2016

LegaSea is calling for a Commission of Inquiry into the Quota Management System and how our fisheries are managed.

Do you support LegaSea’s call for a Commission of Inquiry into the Quota Management System?

There is increasing public outrage over the decision by the Ministry for Primary Industries to not prosecute commercial fishers who admitted dumping fish. Video footage reveals between 20 and 100% of some quota fish were being discarded during every haul aboard trawlers off the east coast of the South Island.

A media storm broke out in May and as a consequence the Minister, Nathan Guy, appointed Mike Heron QC to review the Ministry’s decisions. The QC’s report was released on September 16th. The report acknowledges the widespread discarding, but accepts that fisheries management is complex and the rules were unclear. New rules and standards will be developed so all MPI staff understand their responsibilities.

Not good enough, especially when the Director of Fisheries is quoted as saying that, “discarding is a systemic failure of the current system and something we have not been able to get  on top of from day 1 of the QMS”.

LegaSea is calling for a Commission of Inquiry into the entire Quota Management System. We want to know the truth.

To protect our fisheries we need a unified voice, by completing the poll you have made the first step. It’s going to be a team effort to achieve a more abundant fishery.

If you want to do more, please consider:

  1. Emailing your local MP. Nothing beats you and a mate visiting the person responsible for representing your interests in Wellington.
  2. Subscribing to the database. If you haven’t already, tsk-tsk. All Kiwis need to know how poorly our fisheries are being managed.
  3. Making a donation. Every bit counts. Although, just image how much you would save if you couldn’t go fishing anymore.
  4. Shopping at the LegaSea online store. Show you care, wear the gear!