Our commitment is 100% of public donations via LegaSea Legends and one-off contributions are invested in restoring our inshore fisheries to abundance. This is achieved by focusing on advocacy, research, alignment and education projects.
Education is an important element of conservation. People are increasingly aware of the need to reduce our collective impact on the marine environment so LegaSea has been developing messages and tools to help people fish smarter and lighten their environmental footprint.

The school of best practice
FishCare is a LegaSea-led programme promoting best practice techniques to help people reduce their impact on the marine environment. FishCare is a 3-year programme launched in May 2017. There are five FishCare principles designed to encourage a shift in behaviours and encourage kaitiakitanga, guardianship of people and the marine environment. Small behavioural adjustments en masse will reduce people’s impact on natural habitats and marine species.
Our vision is an abundant fishery enjoyed today and by future generations.
Learn how to minimise your impact