Phoenix Recycling Group
– LegaSea Lifeblood

Phoenix Recycling Group Logo

Contemporary buzzwords like ‘sustainability‘, environmental responsibility’, and ‘transformation’ are bandied about a lot these days, but it’s rare to come across an organisation that genuinely walks the talk in this space. Enter Phoenix Recycling Group, a 100% Kiwi-owned, nationwide recycling business focused on the circular economy.

What is the circular economy, you might ask?

The Circular Economy

Phoenix Recycling Group - Circular Economy graphic

It’s an economic system based on reusing and regenerating materials or products. Phoenix plays its part by recovering infinitely recyclable metals to reduce the demand for landfills, deforestation, mining, and emissions.

“We have the protection of New Zealand’s environment at the core of our business purpose,” says  founder Eldon Reeve.

But how do we know it’s not all hot air? Their work is backed by corresponding sustainability data and emissions reporting for customers.

“Sustainability data is the new currency of business. We consolidate our independently certified recycling data to assist businesses in the communication of their sustainability journeys,” explains Chief Sustainability Officer Hilary West-Reeve.

Cans for Kai

LegaSea and its supporters know damn well it’s not all hot air. Since coming on as a LegaSea Platinum Partner in 2022, not only have they made significant financial contributions, but they have also become a founding partner of Cans for Kai, a collaborative recycling programme between Phoenix and The Kai Ika Project for aluminium cans.

In an interview with the NZ Herald, Lionel Hotene from Papatūānuku Kokiri Marae explains, “Cans for Kai is as simple as it sounds.”

“We began collecting aluminium cans at Westhaven Marina, the Outboard Boating Club, Ōrākei Marina and Papatūānuku Kōkiri Marae in Auckland and are rolling out can cages and other collection points around the country. Phoenix Recycling Group pays us for every kilogram of cans delivered to them and recycles the cans. Phoenix contributes to our financial security and independence with funds going towards The Kai Ika Project, enabling us to continue to feed our communities delicious, healthy kai. It’s incredibly motivating to have partnered with an industry leader like Phoenix.”

Phoenix Recycling - Cans for Kai collection bin

How it all began

This partnership between LegaSea and Phoenix Recycling began at Kawau Island’s Vivian Bay after a diving trip with the founders of both companies and their families. With a passion for reducing waste and promoting eco-friendly practices, once the Phoenix team found out about LegaSea’s mission to restore the abundance, biodiversity, and health of New Zealand’s marine environment, they were fully on board.

Their relentless commitment to cleaner, healthier oceans has been the driving force behind our partnership and the reason the Phoenix team have contributed so much to the LegaSea and The Kai Ika Project missions.