Coromandel Scallop Temporary Closure

Ngāti Hei has asked the Minister of Oceans and Fisheries to approve a 2-year temporary closure to stop all scallop harvesting within their rohe, around the eastern Coromandel coast.

Proposed closure areaYears of destructive dredging off eastern Coromandel have caused so much damage to scallop beds that we fear they are nearing the point of no recovery. 

Ngāti Hei has requested a ban on commercial, recreational, and customary scallop harvesting because they want to give depleted scallop beds a chance to recover. LegaSea and the New Zealand Sport Fishing Council fully support the proposed closure and have already submitted in support of the Ngāti Hei application, made under section 186A of the Fisheries Act.

It’s important the closure is ratified by the Minister. We have developed a form so you can easily make your own submission.


Why this closure is so important

Coromandel scallop populations are currently in dire straits and long term survival of scallops is in doubt. Commercial scallop fishers are now only catching around 20% of the allowable limit. 

Years of scallop dredging has damaged seafloor habitats where scallops live and grow, and the chances of recovery are low while dredging continues.  

Supporting Ngāti Hei in suspending scallop harvesting in their rohe is an important step towards improving productivity of the marine environment, by giving the area a break from scallop dredging and gaining community support for reforming  scallop fisheries nationwide.


Community initiatives such as the Coromandel Scallop Restoration Programme have raised awareness about depleted shellfish stocks and the need to ban destructive bottom contact fishing methods from inshore waters and sensitive marine habitats.

The proposed 2-year closure will give our scallop beds a break from dredging effort and give them a chance to recover. It will also allow time for the Coromandel community to work with our Scallop Restoration Team and the Minister to implement a new structure to ensure scallop depletion does not occur in the area again. 

Submissions close 5pm, 17 May 2021

Ministry for Primary Industries consultation page

Coromandel Scallop Restoration Programme