
Surprising outcome from Tip the Scales campaign

November 10, 2014 This year we set out to promote the need for good quality fisheries policy from all political parties. By election day more than 17,000 people had registered support for LegaSea’s Tip the Scales campaign. If you were one of those people, thank you. It was your support for the 5 principles that influenced the political […]

Differing perspectives on allowances

November 1, 2014 One of the major talking points during the snapper campaign in 2013 was the assertion that recreational catch had increased exponentially and that effort needed to be reined in through bag limit reductions. Fact is, management of Snapper 1 had not been reviewed for 16 years and the recreational allowance made in 1997 did not […]

Let’s Tip the Scales #2

September 9, 2014 Last year’s snapper debate proved that fisheries management is indeed political and that the outcome of decisions can be heavily influenced by how many of us stand up for ourselves. This year we have a prime opportunity to advocate for improved fisheries management. That chance is available at the ballot box on September 20th. Make your […]

Snapper 1 Strategy Group

August 30, 2014 Five meetings of the Snapper 1 Strategy Group have now been held. There has also been a number of meetings between the Ministry for Primary Industries and representatives of the various stakeholder groups. Our dedicated team has been flat out developing reference documents that present a best-case scenario for future management of our fisheries, not […]

Hokianga Accord

August 30, 2014 On 7 August the Hokianga Accord will be hosting its 16th hui, venue is the legendary Bay of Islands Swordfish Club in Paihia. All are welcome to attend. LegaSea is keen to participate in a wide-ranging discussion on the Fish Forever proposal for two marine and one “scientific” reserve in the Bay of Islands. A […]

Let’s get political

August 30, 2014 Fisheries management decisions are political so our dedicated team of experts has carefully crafted five policy recommendations that promote productive fisheries and a healthy marine environment. We have sent these recommendations to political parties so they can adopt them in their fisheries policies. Then we will give them points out of 20 for each of […]

Southern blue moki

August 30, 2014 Blue moki is a popular table fish taken by shorebased anglers, set netters and spear fishers around the South Island and lower North Island. An estimated 36,000 blue moki were taken in 1999 by recreational anglers fishing off the east coast of the South Island (Area 3). That’s around 53 tonnes. Fishers caught another 130 […]

Real snapper wastage being hidden

August 28, 2014 Addressing wastage was a big issue during our 2013 SOS Save Our Snapper campaign. LegaSea is concerned that proposed new measures have done little to reduce the unnecessary waste caused by trawling inshore. But who knows? The Ministry for Primary Industries is stonewalling requests for data from trials that measure how much fish is being […]

Big work up in Northland

August 25, 2014 LegaSea received a real boost last month from a group of Whangarei based companies. In mid July around 50 people representing 20 businesses with links to the construction industry gathered for a Building LegaSea presentation. Warren and the crew from Warren Hay Marine were superb hosts. They have to be rated as one of the […]

Reducing waste is a priority

August 25, 2014 LegaSea is advocating a bottom-up approach to rebuilding our fisheries. That is because mortality on small fish can be reduced at minimal cost and yet it has the greatest benefit to the rate of rebuild. Snapper caught in trawl and Danish seine nets need to have a strict maximum juvenile mortality rate applied to the […]