LegaSea newsletters

LegaSea newsletter #117 – LegaSea turns 10

February 11, 2022 Today we turn 10. 10 years of building teams, capacity, confidence, and competence. 10 years of encouraging New Zealanders that healthy and productive coastal fisheries will be positive for everyone – environmentally, socially, and economically. Launched on the 9th February 2012, LegaSea was started as, and remained the public outreach and fundraising arm of the […]

LegaSea newsletter #116 – The Year That Was 2021

January 21, 2022 We hope you all had a great break full of good times, good weather and successful fishing (if that’s your thing!). 2022 is well underway now and we’re looking forward to a exciting year. There will be plenty going on with our oceans and fisheries and we will be keeping you up to date with the […]

LegaSea newsletter #115 – Get trawling & dredging out of the Gulf

November 23, 2021 A Horizon Research poll published on Friday by the Hauraki Gulf Forum revealed that 84% of those living in the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park vicinity want destructive mobile contact fishing methods banned from the Gulf. This includes bottom trawling, scallop dredging and Danish seining. Only 3% wanted them to remain, with 13% with having no […]

LegaSea newsletter #114 – Have your say on daily bag limits

November 15, 2021 Have your say on daily bag limits In June this year the Tairua community and local iwi Ngāti Hei were horrified to witness binfulls of pink maomao being taken from Coromandel waters under the guise of “recreational fishing”. Fisheries officers were powerless to prosecute the people responsible because bag limits and size limits do not […]

Kai Ika newsletter update – Heads Up – Kai Ika filleting re-opens

November 4, 2021 In these crazy times Kai Ika find itself busier than ever. Many Auckland whānau are needing more help than before, evident by the length of the queues waiting for pick up at the marae when kaimoana is available. Thankfully more suppliers are stepping up and we have more food to distribute than ever before.

LegaSea newsletter #113 – Back on the water

October 8, 2021 For those of us still in lockdown after 50 days, Wednesday’s easing of restrictions meant we could finally get back on the water and do some fishing! It’s a welcome respite after such a long time and we sure did take advantage of it. Let’s hope we all can get back to normal soon.

LegaSea newsletter #112 – The public’s voice makes a difference

September 28, 2021 We spoke up and the Minister listened. Last week David Parker, the Minister of Oceans and Fisheries, acknowledged the receipt of over 10,000 submissions in response to the recent reviews. If you were one of the submitters, Minister Parker and our future generations say thanks.

LegaSea newsletter #111 – Coromandel scallop closure a win for the people

September 9, 2021 Yesterday the Minister of Oceans and Fisheries, David Parker, approved a rāhui or temporary closure of the scallop fishery off the east Coromandel coast, following a request by Ngāti Hei in February this year. The closure means no scallop harvesting by commercial, recreational and customary fishers for two years, from this Saturday September 11.

Kai ika newsletter update – The Kai Ika Project keeps rolling on

August 23, 2021 With level 4 lockdown upon us again, The Kai Ika Project is once again stepping up to distribute kaimoana to whanau in need. Last year we distributed over 55 tonnes of previously unwanted kaimoana. Multiple lockdowns didn’t stop us then nor will it stop us now! Lockdown makes the logistics of food distribution very difficult […]

Newsletter #110 – Thanks for speaking up, thousands are with you

August 13, 2021 It’s been a busy period for our fisheries management team, with 12 fisheries up for review in the past two months. Public submissions have now closed, and if you were one of the thousands who had your say in support of more fish in the water – Thanks a bunch!