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Innovation is the future for commercial fishing

January 26, 2020 LegaSea is celebrating the courage of Karl and Sarah Warr from Hawke’s Bay who have installed cameras on their trawler to livestream their fishing activity 24/7. This Napier couple wants the public to see for themselves how their fish is caught. They are hopeful that consumers will start asking their suppliers if the food they […]

The year that was 2019

January 16, 2020 From The Kai Ika project to Fishcare to the events we attended and the submissions we made… it was definitely a big year. A huge thank you to you, our supporters, to enable us to get closer to our goal of a healthy marine environment and having more fish in the sea. Watch the 2019 […]

LegaSea’s Youngest Legend

December 22, 2019 A few months ago for her 10th birthday, Lily Alexander decided to do something remarkable. She decided to forgo birthday presents. Instead of presents, she asked all her friends to bring money which she promptly donated to LegaSea.  Being a passionate fisher, Lily loves being out on the water with her family and felt […]

Kai Ika project epitomises the joy of giving

December 19, 2019 Thanks to a raft of support from many organisations and funders the Kai Ika project is ramping up to a new level. The Kai Ika project is facilitated by LegaSea, the Outboard Boating Club of Auckland (OBC) and Papatuanuku Kokiri Marae. Its success can be attributed to the commitment of all the volunteers involved in […]

NIWA’s summer snapper hunt

December 19, 2019 Reports that snapper have been caught in waters around Fiordland and Dunedin have raised a few eyebrows, and the prospect that warming waters may be affecting fish distribution. We don’t know how environmental changes will affect spawning success or how many juveniles will eventually make it to adulthood in these changing environments. In an effort […]

Tis the season to be sharing

December 19, 2019 Fishing tends to bring out the best in us so whether you are at home or away this summer there is an easy way to share your unwanted fish parts with someone who would relish the gift. There are thousands of people who have registered online to receive fish heads, frames or even the wings, […]

Dead fish raise more questions

December 19, 2019 Questions remain around the mass of dead fish floating around the Hauraki Gulf and landing on the beaches of Kawau Island over the past week. Ministry for Primary Industries advise they received a report of the “accidental loss” of 1,000 kilos of mackerel from a commercial vessel fishing outside Kawau Island. Another report suggests the […]

Getting a grip on our catch

December 18, 2019 At this time of year we often hear wailing about recreational fishers taking too many fish and how that threatens overall sustainability. The good news is twofold. One, we still have good access to fisheries that thousands of Kiwis enjoy over summer. Secondly, we have new national survey results that show that recreational harvest is […]

LegaSea is not anti-commercial fishing

December 9, 2019 Let’s get real, LegaSea is not anti-commercial fishing. We want small-scale, low impact commercial fishing to be successful. LegaSea is against the Quota Management System and an inadequate Fisheries Act that fails to protect our fish stocks for future generations. Far from being innovative, over the past 30 years the QMS has been a backward […]

Warning signals cannot be ignored

November 30, 2019 A recent government report on the state of our marine environment raises legitimate concerns about the lack of information on fishing levels, the impacts of fishing, and that fishing has become more industrialised. The report, Environment Aotearoa 2019 was a joint initiative by the Ministry for the Environment and Stats NZ. The report authors make […]