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Political parties united in call for inquiry into fisheries debacle

September 11, 2017 Labour and the Green Party have both come out in support of an inquiry into the management of New Zealand’s fisheries, leaving National as the only party which has declared itself unwilling to look into the issue in the lead up to the election. ACT, TOP and Mana have not responded to requests for a […]

Fisheries policy: The Labour Party

September 8, 2017 LegaSea asked the Labour Party to provide comment on their party’s fisheries policy. The Labour Party provided this statement. Abundant, sustainable fisheries in a healthy marine environment  Labour’s primary focus will be on ensuring that our fisheries are sustainable and abundant and that ocean habitats are protected from the impacts of terrestrial and marine activities. […]

Fisheries policy: The Green Party

September 8, 2017 LegaSea asked the Green Party to provide comment on their party’s fisheries policy. The Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand provided this statement.  Abundant fisheries and sustainable seas Eugenie Sage, Green Party fisheries spokesperson The Green Party stands for protecting our oceans and ensuring healthy ecosystems and abundant fisheries. Sadly, under the National government, our […]

Marine park concept fading to grey

September 6, 2017 Weeks before the last election the National Party announced the creation of two marine parks, one in the upper South Island and another in the inner Hauraki Gulf. The announcement was enough to sway swinging voters to vote National on the promise of improved recreational fishing in these areas. As another election looms the parks […]

Calls for Commission of Inquiry into fisheries mismanagement grow

September 4, 2017 Four political parties have joined LegaSea and the New Zealand Sport Fishing Council’s call for an inquiry into the state of New Zealand’s fisheries management practices. New Zealand First, the Māori Party, United Future and the New Zealand Outdoors Party have all agreed New Zealand’s fisheries management needs an overhaul and cannot continue the way […]

Fisheries policy: New Zealand First

September 3, 2017 LegaSea asked New Zealand First to provide comment on their party’s fisheries policy. New Zealand First provided an overview statement and later updated its fisheries policy. New Zealand First Fisheries Policy has been updated ahead of the election in September, and will be released shortly. [Updated policy is now online here] Our 2014 policy was […]

Fisheries policy: The Maori Party

September 3, 2017 LegaSea asked the Maori Party to provide comment on their party’s fisheries policy. The Maori Party provided this statement. The Māori Party is committed to ensuring Aotearoa’s natural resources and environment is healthy for everyone. We also support the health and wellbeing of our people and this requires that environmental degradation is addressed. As Māori, […]

Fisheries policy: National

September 3, 2017 LegaSea asked National to provide comment on their party’s fisheries policy. National has provided this recreational fishing policy. National believes in healthy, sustainable and shared fisheries for all New Zealanders including the recreational, commercial and customary sectors. We support dedicated recreational fishing parks in the Hauraki Gulf and the Marlborough Sounds. Most forms of commercial […]

Fisheries policy: New Zealand Outdoors Party

September 3, 2017 LegaSea asked the New Zealand Outdoors Party to provide comment on their party’s fisheries policy. The New Zealand Outdoors Party provided this summary.  Marine Fisheries Policy – The Situation Depletion of our inshore fisheries affects both the marine environment and the people who rely on the sea for fishing, for their livelihoods, leisure and sustenance. […]

Fisheries policy: United Future

September 3, 2017 LegaSea asked United Future to provide comment on their party’s fisheries policy. United Future provided this statement.  UnitedFuture believes recreational fishing must come before commercial profits because it is the birth right of every New Zealander to head to the beach to catch kahawai or snapper to feed their family. Kiwis’ birth right to catch […]