December 21, 2023
Bottom trawling, marine protected areas (MPAs), and coastal plans have been hot topics for the last months of 2023. While our fisheries experts at the New Zealand Sport Fishing Council were working hard on developing comprehensive submissions in response to the various proposals, our LegaSea team was out there making sure your voice was heard. […]
December 20, 2023
As people who use the ocean for fishing, diving and swimming it is important that we show respect back to our waters, recognising that sustainable practices today can contribute to a bountiful harvest tomorrow. Respect comes in many forms such as avoiding damage to the environment caused by destructive fishing methods or harvesting only the […]
December 18, 2023
What is green, suffocating sealife living on the ocean floor, and may be the reason why you can’t anchor at your favourite fishing spot. It’s the latest biosecurity threat to our waters – invasive Caulerpa. First discovered at Aotea Great Barrier Island in 2021, it has since spread like wildfire around the east coast with […]
December 15, 2023
Crayfish are considered functionally extinct in the Hauraki Gulf, our scallop fishery is closed, and kina barrens are more common. These are all signs that Fisheries New Zealand’s quota management system is not working. We need to restore marine biodiversity. But, increased abundance and diversity of sea life doesn’t happen overnight. It surely doesn’t happen […]
December 12, 2023
Next summer could look very different if you enjoy spending time in the Coromandel. The ability to cast a line at your favourite fishing spot, or enjoy a day at the local beach with your family may be cut short if challenges to the proposed Waikato Regional Council Coastal Plan are successful. When approved, the […]
November 28, 2023
We need to stop killing so much sea life. What does a seafloor look like after decades of bottom trawling? It resembles a muddy, barren landscape unable to support the rich and diverse marine life it once harboured. So fish must go elsewhere to find food. But what if there is nowhere else to find […]
November 22, 2023
People are a vital part of the marine ecosystem. We have the ability to influence changes in both positive and negative ways. Conventional marine protection separates us from the environment, creating a disconnect between people and conservation efforts. In contrast, traditional techniques acknowledge the power that comes with engaging communities and believe people are a […]
November 22, 2023
The goal of marine protection is to help enhance and protect ecosystems for future generations. Our children’s children deserve to enjoy an abundant and diverse Hauraki Gulf. Marine reserves were initially created for scientific purposes, not as a fisheries management tool. So, how can we expect them to solve depleting abundance and declining biodiversity? Effective […]
November 21, 2023
An increase in extreme weather events, land run-off, and ineffective fisheries management means we need to embrace a variety of tools to restore our inshore marine environment. This summer you may come across a rāhui at your favourite beach or fishing destination. It’s important that you respect the rāhui because it has been put in […]
November 21, 2023
Pushing for change is not easy. It requires patience, knowledge and talking to the right person at the right time. But the most important part of it is public support. Without our supporters LegaSea is nothing. Everything we do is on account of the support and participation we get from you. So we want to […]