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Dear Minister…

August 30, 2023 Hon Rachel Brooking Minister for Oceans and Fisheries Parliament Buildings, Wellington 28th August 2023 Re: Decision to allow bottom trawling and scallop dredging to continue in the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park Tēnā koe Minister Brooking, The Hauraki Gulf Alliance represents hundreds of thousands of members of the public who are deeply concerned about the state […]

Let’s stop the madness

August 24, 2023 In the last two months we have been deeply involved in the development of seven major submissions responding to fisheries management and policy proposals. The common theme is that excessive catches lead to demands for increased commercial quota. This is not new, but it’s frustrating given the greenwashing rhetoric from officials and industry captains about […]

LegaSea newsletter #137 – Government embraces bottom trawling

August 9, 2023 The government is forging ahead with support for ongoing bottom trawling despite widespread public outrage at the damage it is causing to the marine environment. Two decisions within days of each other confirm the government is committed to allowing bottom trawling, dredging and seining in inshore waters. Both decisions are contrary to the government’s vision […]

Alliance slams decision to continue trawling Hauraki Gulf

August 9, 2023 News today that the government will allow bottom trawling to continue in large areas of the Hauraki Gulf is being met by strong opposition from an alliance of groups campaigning to get the destructive fishing method out of the marine park. Released today, the decision is part of the Hauraki Gulf Fisheries Plan, and while […]

Government fishing plan ignores public outrage

August 8, 2023 Government approval for a plan that supports the ongoing use of destructive fishing methods along New Zealand’s coastline has been labelled an outrage by recreational fishing and environmental interests. “There’s no plan to provide New Zealanders who are already struggling to feed whānau with affordable kaimoana. There’s no plan to support the struggling regional economies […]

LegaSea newsletter #136 – Decisions, decisions…

July 6, 2023 We’re in the depths of winter now, but our team are hotly anticipating important fisheries decisions from Minister Rachel Brooking. There’s sufficient information available to make precautionary decisions, so stand by. Will the Minister allow bottom trawling to continue in the Hauraki Gulf? Will New Zealanders have to subsidise a new trawl fleet? And does […]

Hauraki Gulf Alliance presents petition to Parliament. 22 June 2023

June 22, 2023 Today, a diverse range of recreational fishing, environmental, law, corporate and business organisations have come together as the Hauraki Gulf Alliance to deliver a petition calling for bottom trawling, scallop dredging, and Danish seining to be banned from within the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park. The petition of 36,589 signatures will be presented to MPs outside […]

LegaSea newsletter #135 – Your voice is really important

June 15, 2023 It may not be the busiest time for catching fish on the water in this mid-winter cold snap, but there’s lots going on with our fisheries. Public consultation on the draft Industry Transformation Plan closed on Sunday. Thanks to all of you that took the time to make a submission. 2800 submissions were made using […]

Tell the minister investing in bottom trawling is not OK

June 9, 2023 The government’s latest plan to transform the commercial fishing industry merely reinforces the status quo and proposes to subsidise the build of bigger, industrial fishing boats that will most likely be used for bottom trawling our inshore fishers. Have your say now and tell the minister that this is not OK. Submission close 5pm, 11 […]

Card Sharks

June 6, 2023 Enter your code here here and be into win $20,000 worth of prizes from Marine Deals.