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LegaSea newsletter #134 – Where’s Johnny the John Dory gone?

May 24, 2023 It’s safe to say we’ve been busy here at LegaSea. We’ve just had a massive weekend at the Hutchwilco New Zealand Boatshow, with the LegaSea stand possibly the busiest we’ve ever seen. The event was organised incredibly well as per usual and it’s only fair we give a huge shoutout to the new owners XPO and the rest […]

Strong reef protection a united front

May 22, 2023 A new artificial reef off Napier Port is set to become a flourishing environment thanks to the collaboration between mana whenua, LegaSea Hawkes Bay, Port of Napier, and the community. This collaboration has already produced two other artificial reefs in Hawke’s Bay, one north of Pania Reef and another at a shipwreck site. After only […]

Thousands want trawling gone

May 15, 2023 In March over 7000 New Zealanders united to submit against the ongoing use of bottom trawling and scallop dredging in the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park. These submitters were responding to Fisheries New Zealand’s draft Hauraki Gulf Fisheries Plan, issued in January.  Public consultation on the plan is now closed. The draft action plan is supposed […]

LegaSea newsletter #133 – It’s boat show time

May 12, 2023 Next week sees the return of the biggest show in town for boaties and fishers – the Hutchwilco New Zealand Boat Show. After a period of uncertainty over the lease of the Auckland show grounds we are so pleased to see it continue with new owners, in the same location. LegaSea will be there again thanks […]

LegaSea Newsletter #132 – Starving snapper and Kaikōura pāua reopening – A mixed bag

April 13, 2023 Another week and another Minister has been appointed to look after our fish and marine environment. Rachel Brooking is the new Minister for Oceans and Fisheries, sitting outside Cabinet. She replaces David Parker who was reappointed last month when Stuart Nash (a Minister for Fisheries in the last government) was stripped of his ministerial responsibilities. […]

Mushy fleshed snapper in the Hauraki Gulf

April 3, 2023 At the LegaSea-led Kai Ika filleting station, we fillet fish for amateur fishers. We also collect and distribute unwanted fishheads and frames to marae and whānau around Auckland who revere these tasty morsels.    In August 2022, before snapper spawning season even began, we noticed a large proportion of the fish coming through the Kai Ika […]

LegaSea Newsletter #131 – Coromandel scallops finally get the rest they need

March 20, 2023 Coromandel scallops are now off the menu for the foreseeable future as the Minister has closed the last remaining commercial scallop beds. This is the end of a long process that began with a brave move by Coromandel iwi, Ngāti Hei, to place a rāhui across Opito Bay in 2020 to protect scallops. This was […]

Groups unite to celebrate scallop closure

March 20, 2023 Environmental, iwi and recreational fishing interests in the Hauraki Gulf are celebrating the Minister’s decision to close the Coromandel scallop fishery indefinitely.  The Coromandel scallop fishery stretches from Leigh, Rodney in the north to Maketū in the Bay of Plenty.  Ngāti Hei led the closure with a rāhui prohibiting the harvest of scallops on the […]

A healthier Hauraki Gulf must come first

March 14, 2023 It’s time to look into the future of the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park. There is a growing awareness that we collectively need to be doing more to protect and enhance the waters of the Marine Park. So it’s unfortunate that Government plans for the future management of the Park include maintaining areas for trawling and […]

Tony Orton: My letter of resignation

February 28, 2023 In April 2022 Tony Orton, from Offshore Adventures, was nominated to be a part of the Hauraki Gulf Fisheries Plan Advisory Group. In February 2023 he resigned in disgust. You can read his resignation letter below with details of his experience. — In early 2022, I was appointed to the advisory group helping to establish […]