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A small price to pay for an abundant ocean

November 19, 2023 A battle is being fought between prioritising the health of the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park for future generations and degrading the seafloor for the short term gain of commercial interests. Fisheries New Zealand (FNZ) originally planned to close public consultation on the proposed ‘trawl corridors’ on 6 November. Four options were presented, all allowing for […]

Option Zero for no more trawling

November 13, 2023 It’s staggering to realise that the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park was established in 2000 to protect this maritime jewel for the benefit of the community, yet 23 years later it has become more degraded. The scallop fishery is closed, the crayfish population is described as functionally extinct, the invasive Caulerpa seaweed is spreading, and mushy […]

Say no to Trawl Corridors

October 27, 2023 The Hauraki Gulf is more degraded now than when it was first established over 20 years ago. Over a century of damage caused by bottom trawling, followed by Danish seining and dredging, can be addressed by you saying no to this ongoing destruction. Most of us agree that a healthy marine environment is good for […]

Speak up for effective marine protection

October 27, 2023 It may come as a shock that the ocean is not a closed ecosystem. Fish don’t know boundaries, only we humans do. And, fish don’t stay in one place because it’s a marine reserve, they are born to migrate. If we want to improve biodiversity by increasing fish  abundance then we have to think beyond […]

The kingi board

October 24, 2023 Introducing the kingi chopping board – a special collaboration between sustainable seafood restaurant kingi in The Hotel Britomart, plastics recycler CRITICAL, and LegaSea.  

Community initiatives benefit from active restoration

October 22, 2023 It’s fair to say the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park is turning to shit. Quite literally. Hundreds of litres of raw sewage entered the Waitematā Harbour every second after a 13-metre sinkhole caused the blockage of a main wastewater pipe in downtown Auckland. Do you think a marine reserve would be an effective way to solve […]

Mystery solved – they’re not listening

October 5, 2023 As advocates for change it’s concerning that officials recently admitted they dismiss form submissions if they say the same thing. Most of the submissions that LegaSea receives from passionate people have personal comments added to their submission and this feedback must not be ignored. Firstly, because these are grunty, heartfelt messages from people who care. […]

Momentous Court Decision

October 4, 2023 It’s almost a year since the High Court declared the Minister’s 2021 and 2022 decisions for the future management of Northland crayfish (CRA 1) were unlawful. The Court directed the Minister to review CRA 1 again. That review occurred earlier this year and the outcome was underwhelming. Firstly, Fisheries New Zealand (FNZ) provided the Minister […]

Hauraki Gulf Marine Park Fisheries Plan

October 1, 2023 In good faith over the past decade we have engaged in discussions about improving the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park environment. We’ve advocated for a ban on bottom trawling, dredging and seining. The Park also needs to be designated as a separate fisheries management area so fish populations can be restored to more natural levels. After […]

No anchoring or fishing this summer?

September 29, 2023 Look out. Caulerpa may be coming to a bay near you this summer. It’s an invasive seaweed species that may stop you from fishing or anchoring in your favourite place. Underwater it looks like a green carpet of kikuyu grass and it’s already infesting the seabed in some areas at Aotea Great Barrier Island, Kawau […]