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LegaSea newsletter #130 – We need you to help the Gulf now

February 27, 2023 It’s been a difficult time for many of us with the recent weather events and our hearts go out to everyone who is suffering from the aftermath. The good news is that our work across several fisheries carries on regardless and the deadlines for public consultation on critical issues, such as the Hauraki Gulf Marine […]

Community bewildered at kina dredging in the Tory Channel.

February 23, 2023 Kina, a shellfish known around the south as ‘spiky gold’, is still being dredged commercially in the Tory Channel. Recreational fishers and environmental interests are objecting to this archaic practice and are urging the Minister of Oceans and Fisheries to ban all dredging in the Tory Channel from April 2023.  “It’s as if no lessons […]

LegaSea newsletter #128 – What we want for Christmas

December 21, 2022 After a massive year everyone has earned a good break. We started and finished the year talking about the loss of our precious taonga, our scallops. In between, our fisheries team has been flat out reacting to a whole bunch of important issues and some outrageous proposals for snapper, hāpuku, crayfish, paua and blue cod […]

Communities and fishers welcome emergency scallop closure

December 14, 2022 Communities and fishers have welcomed Minister David Parker’s decision to use emergency powers to close the last two commercial scallop beds in New Zealand, in the Hauraki Gulf. The other scallop beds around Northland, Auckland and the Bay of Plenty, were closed earlier this year after a widespread community outcry at the disappearance of the […]

LegaSea newsletter #127 – Snapper, pāua and crayfish: a mixed bag

December 12, 2022 It’s officially summer, but someone needs to tell the weather gods as the unsettled, windy, spring-like weather continues. Pretty frustrating when you are trying to get out fishing! The end of the year is upon us and we’re trying to wrap things up, but issues like the Hauraki Gulf, Northland crayfish and Kaikōura pāua (read […]

Proposed Hauraki Gulf marine protection – a farce?

December 6, 2022 Support for more protection of treasured Hauraki Gulf Marine Park waters continues to grow, so it’s interesting that recent Government proposals to increase no-fishing areas do not necessarily mean more fish in the water. In September 2022, the Department of Conservation asked for public feedback on a range of proposals, presenting 12 High Protection Areas […]

Minister ensures more fish in the water

November 1, 2022 We’re celebrating Minister David Parker’s choice to drop controversial changes to fisheries legislation that would threaten sustainability of crucial fish species. The Oceans and Fisheries Minister has announced he will pull out pre-set decision rules from the Fisheries Amendment Bill currently sitting in Parliament. He cited one of the reasons why he pulled the pre-set […]

Have your say on the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park marine protection proposal

October 26, 2022 Marine protection for the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park is under review and the Department of Conservation is asking for your submission.   The Department of Conservation is proposing 19 protected areas in the Hauraki Gulf. This means creating two new marine protection tools – High Protection Areas (HPAs) and Seafloor Protection Areas (SPAs). The 19 proposed […]

LegaSea newsletter 126 – A spring in our step

October 26, 2022 Spring has definitely sprung and the fishing is heating up. Labour Weekend saw some good weather across the country and a lot of boats were out taking advantage of the blue skies and calm waters. The Kai Ika filleting trailer has had record numbers number fish filleted and we hope to see this continue.