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Amendment Bill retains environmental protections

October 25, 2022 The Fisheries Amendment Bill passed into law today is welcome news to Kiwi fishers and environmental groups who are committed to restored abundance of our fisheries. “Oceans and Fisheries Minister David Parker is to be thanked for passing legislation that enables monitoring cameras aboard commercial fishing vessels and makes them land their catch instead of […]

LegaSea newsletter #125 – When it rains it pours

October 7, 2022 The expression ‘when it rains it pours’ sums up the last few months. We’ve been flat out reacting to the Fisheries Amendment Bill, launching the expanding Hauraki Gulf Alliance through which we hope to finally see scallop dredging and bottom trawling removed from the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park and preparing our increasingly popular Kai Ika […]

Last minute change to Fisheries Amendment Bill a win for the environment

September 29, 2022 The Government’s decision to drop controversial changes to fisheries legislation is welcome news to fishing and environmental groups concerned about threats to fish sustainability.  Oceans and Fisheries Minister David Parker has announced he will progress the part of the Fisheries Amendment Bill that enables monitoring cameras aboard commercial fishing vessels from 1 November.  But the […]

Fisheries Amendment Bill full of hidden fish hooks

September 21, 2022 Proposed changes to the laws governing fisheries will remove the current protections for fish sustainability and affect fishing rights for more than 600,000 fishers. Currently, the Minister of Oceans and Fisheries has a statutory duty to manage fish stocks to a level that provides for future generations’ needs, and to consider public input. The Minister […]

LegaSea newsletter #124 – A scallop season like no other

September 2, 2022 This year opening of the scallop season yesterday is cause for sadness rather than celebration this year as scallop beds across the country are closed. Years of intensive dredging from commercial and recreational fishers, combined with warming waters and land run off have decimated our scallop populations to the point that there are virtually no […]

An opening of the scallop season, like no other. 

September 2, 2022 By Andrew Johnson, New Zealand Sport Fishing Council. The opening of the scallop season historically a day of celebration, spring is here and the days are getting longer. This year, it’s more sobering. Restrictions on scallop harvest mean that scallops are now virtually inaccessible to most kiwis.     We’ve all heard the lamenting cry ‘it’s […]

Kai Ika Project reaches 250,000 milestone

August 25, 2022 The Kai Ika Project, a kaupapa which shares previously unwanted fish heads and frames with appreciative Auckland communities, is marking a major milestone this week. Since starting in 2016, the Kai Ika Project has now recovered and donated more than 250,000 kgs of kai moana via Papatūānuku Kōkiri Marae and other distribution outlets. None of […]

LegaSea newsletter #123 – Our winter of discontent

July 28, 2022 Despite the stormy and cold weather that is keeping most of us on land and not out fishing, there is plenty going on in the fisheries space. We have the Fisheries Amendment Bill before parliament that may remove the public’s voice from fisheries management decisions. There is the proposed Waikato Regional Council Coastal Plan that threatens to stop […]

Objections mount over the WRC Coastal Plan

July 27, 2022 Thousands of Waikato people objected to the Waikato Regional Council’s Coastal Plan that proposes no-take fishing areas within 12 miles of the coastline. Submitters had until Friday 22 July to have their say on the draft Plan.    In two days more than 2,700 people objected before submissions closed. The Council was seeking public views […]