Summary of recent submissions

August 28, 2019

LegaSea recently worked with the New Zealand Sport Fishing Council’s fisheries management team and the New Zealand Angling & Casting Association to develop and submit eight responses to proposals from Fisheries New Zealand. These submission are briefly summarised below.

Tarakihi East coast North and South Islands.

Minister’s decision – decrease the Total Allowable Commercial Catch by 10%

FNZ – decrease the Total Allowable Commercial Catch by 31% or 35%.
Commercial fishers’ proposal – no TACC reduction, voluntary measures.
Our submission – support a 40% reduction to the TACC to get the rebuild started now, with the aim of rebuilding the fishery in 10 years.

We are concerned that the trawl survey results for Red gurnard 7, Rig 7 and John dory 7 at the top of the South Island have all declined since 2015. The declines vary between stocks, but the cycle in abundance is trending down and it will be at least two years before there are new survey results.

Red gurnard 7. Top of the South Island, east to the Clarence River, west to Fiordland.

FNZ – increase the Total Allowable Commercial Catch by 10% or 20%. Or status quo.
Our submission – no change to the TACC.

Rig 7. Top of the South Island, east to the Clarence River, west to Fiordland.

FNZ – increase the Total Allowable Commercial Catch by 10% or 20%. Or status quo.
Our submission – the management target must be reset, no change to the TACC.

John dory 7. Top of the South Island, east to the Clarence River, west to Fiordland.

FNZ – increase the Total Allowable Commercial Catch by 10% or 20%. Or status quo.
Our submission – the management target must be reset, no change to the TACC.

Elephant fish 7. Top of the South Island, east to the Clarence River, west to Fiordland.

FNZ – set a Total Allowable Catch (TAC) for the first time and set aside allowances for Māori customary and recreational fishing interests, and fishing related mortality.
Our submission – support the Minister setting a TAC and allowances in this fish stock even though the amounts are somewhat arbitrary because there is such poor information.

Red snapper 1. North Cape to Cape Runaway, East Cape.

FNZ – decrease the Total Allowable Commercial Catch (TACC) by 48% or status quo.
Our submission – reduce the TACC by 71%. This stock has been overfished. Urgent management action is required.

Red snapper 2. New Zealand except North Cape to Cape Runaway.

FNZ – increase the Total Allowable Commercial Catch by 386% or status quo.
Our submission – no change to the TACC to ensure it does not end up like Red snapper 1.

Hoki 1. New Zealand west coast.

FNZ – decrease the Total Allowable Commercial Catch by 22% or 33%. Or status quo.
Our submission – support a 33% reduction or more to rebuild the western stock.