How will Rescue Fish affect commercial fishers?

May 21, 2020

Rescue Fish will be a radical change for commercial fishers because the Quota Management System will be dismantled and a new regime will apply. Initially Rescue Fish will apply to inshore fisheries. Rescue Fish policy.

There will be no quota ownership. Time limited fishing permits will need to be purchased from the Crown. Only people fishing will be entitled to have a fishing permit, there will be no absentee ownership. Effort limits and gear controls will be conditions on the fishing permit. Where appropriate, access to fish will be leased in multi-species packets, in recognition of the mixed finfish fisheries in inshore waters. A resource rental fee payable to the Crown will apply to every kilo of landed catch.

The fisher or their catch will no longer be bound to quota holders or particular processing sheds, commercial fishers will be able to sell their catch to any outlet or direct to the public. This will enable commercial fishers to earn maximum returns for their efforts. It will also encourage them to innovate and use eco-friendly methods that capture fish in quality condition. More benefits here.