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Why are our snapper starving?

June 27, 2024 LegaSea is stunned that Fisheries New Zealand is blaming the climate for snapper having “milky white flesh syndrome”. Their latest report skips over last year’s lab results that showed snapper were in a “state of chronic malnutrition”. That testing found that tissue breakdown in snapper was attributed to a “prolonged period of starvation”. So, why […]

Small but mighty, where have our baitfish gone?

June 19, 2024 Originally published in Mahurangi Matters, June 2024. Don’t judge a fish just by its size. The small baitfish such as pilchards or jack mackerels you catch off your local wharf pack a mighty punch when it comes to keeping our marine ecosystems functioning. Without them many of our favourite fish, whales, and seabirds would go […]

Is coastal trawling lawful or ethical?

May 30, 2024 Originally published in The Adventurer, May 2024. The soothing sounds of squawking seagulls and crashing waves are being drowned out by the roar of bottom trawlers along the Coromandel and Bay of Plenty coastline. This is where trawlers have sadly become a common sight to see from the comfort of your own beach. They often […]

LegaSea Newsletter #147 – Celebrating the People’s Fish

May 28, 2024 Kahawai – “strong in the water”. Today marks the 15th anniversary of the day the Supreme Court ruled on the Kahawai Legal Challenge. On May 28th 2009 the Supreme Court found that while the Minister has wide discretion when making fisheries management decisions, the allowances that must be set aside for Māori customary and recreational […]

Let the facts be a part of the solution

May 27, 2024 You would consider yourself lucky if you were found alive 24 hours after falling overboard from a boat. In January, a man was fishing solo out behind the Alderman Islands. Somehow he fell overboard and in little over 24 hours drifted in the currents to Mayor Island, over 55 km away from the Aldermans. Incredibly […]

LegaSea newsletter #146 – We can’t eat our way out of mismanagement

May 2, 2024 Tackling kina barrens does not necessarily mean we should be harvesting more kina. It is a sign of ecosystem imbalance that requires an integrated management approach. Unless the Ministry for Primary Industries address the root cause of kina overabundance we will be stuck in a never-ending cycle. We can not eat our way out of […]

An uncertain future for Kiwi scallops

April 27, 2024 It’s been two years since the last remaining scallop beds in the Hauraki Gulf were placed under emergency closure. While it may feel like a lifetime since we’ve had fresh, local scallops on our dinner plates, it still may not be enough time for our scallops to regenerate. So anyone anticipating a meal of plump […]

LegaSea newsletter #145 – The environmental cost of destructive fishing methods exposed

April 17, 2024 Cameras onboard commercial fishing vessels have exposed the environmental cost of destructive, indiscriminate fishing techniques. Since the installation of cameras on 127 vessels, the volume of reported fish discarded has increased by 46 percent and interactions with protected species, including seabirds and dolphins, is more than double what was previously reported.

Cracks in the Kaikoura pāua fishery

April 9, 2024 Originally published in the New Zealand Fishing News, April 2024. New Zealand, a country just north of the furious 50s, a series of small islands perched precariously on a volcanic fault line and more than 1000 nautical miles from its nearest neighbours. We pride ourselves on our wild coastlines and incredible marine life. This is […]