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LegaSea newsletter #152 – More trawling off a coast near you

October 1, 2024 Twice a year, New Zealand’s “Sustainability Rounds” provide a critical opportunity to adjust catch limits, assess fisheries management, and ensure the long-term health of our marine ecosystems. However, this September, the rounds have taken a troubling turn. Rather than prioritising sustainability, recent decisions by the Minister for Oceans and Fisheries Shane Jones have sparked concerns […]

More trawling off a coast near you

October 1, 2024 People with coastal properties can expect to see more trawlers operating offshore this summer. That’s because Shane Jones, the Minister for Oceans and Fisheries, has just increased the catch limits for more than 12 different fish stocks between Northland and Foveaux Strait. “Excessive increases to the total allowable commercial catch for snapper, kingfish, Jack mackerel, […]

Risky decision for west coast snapper

October 1, 2024 An increase in the commercial catch limit for west coast snapper could put Māui dolphin, seabirds and other fish species at risk, for very little gain. “The 640 tonne increase to the total allowable commercial catch comes with an unwanted side effect of increased trawling effort. For years we’ve been advocating for more longlining and […]

Trusted sources in pāua debate

September 26, 2024 Originally published in the Kaikōura Star, September 2024.  Controversial comments suggesting there is an unknown amount of pāua harvest by recreational fishers in Kaikōura can be easily refuted by three years of scientific reports. Fisheries New Zealand has contracted recreational harvest surveys every year since the Kaikōura pāua fishery opened to harvest after the 2016 […]

Where have our humble baitfish gone?

September 26, 2024 First published in The Adventurer, July 2024 This little fish went to a foreign fish market, this little fish was ground into cat food, and this little fish was fished all the way to the brink of collapse. A tragic ending is on the horizon for our humble baitfish. Concerning reports from fishers between Northland […]

Kina kina everywhere. Where’s everything else?

August 28, 2024 Originally published in Mahurangi Matters, August 2024. Kina seem to be everywhere, but where’s everything else? Where have the big, old grandaddy snapper gone, and the clusters of crayfish that used to hang around? With crayfish and snapper missing in action kina have been left relatively unchecked in the natural environment, resulting in a population […]

LegaSea newsletter #150 – So much to do in so little time

August 13, 2024 Our fisheries management team has been working hard out! With an unprecedented 20 fishery proposals for the October review round, the team put in the hard mahi to complete submissions on 15 fish stocks. An incredible effort! But, how can Fisheries New Zealand seriously expect the New Zealand public to be able to have meaningful […]

The nasty cost of bulk harvesting

July 29, 2024 First published in The Adventurer, July 2024. Snapper have been likened to zombies, our scallop fishery has collapsed and exploding kina populations are leaving little habitat for other life on coastal reefs There are a myriad of issues contributing to these worrying phenomena and officials are blatantly ignoring most of them. A common factor in […]

A flawed solution for our Gulf

July 29, 2024 Originally published in Mahurangi Matters, July 2024. Kiwis spend a lot of time along our coastlines, whether it’s gathering shellfish to share with family and friends, casting a line out, or enjoying the easy-going beach lifestyle. You may have also noticed that our marine environment isn’t what it used to be. Fish don’t come inshore […]