I Fish. I Care. I Vote

Goal: To have political parties commit to policies that will restore New Zealand’s inshore fisheries to abundant levels.
Objective: Political parties adopt and implement the five policy planks outlined in the LegaSea Fisheries Manifesto.
What do we stand for?
Our Fisheries Manifesto outlines the reasons we stand for the following policies:
- Establish a Royal Commission of Inquiry into fisheries management and the Quota Management System.
- Amend the Fisheries Act 1996 to include an Allocation Principle.
- Remove industrial fishing methods such as trawling, seining and dredging from the inshore zone.
- Establish a separate, well-resourced Ministry of Fisheries.
- Amend section 13 of the Fisheries Act to deliver a minimum biomass target of 50%, in line with international best practice.
There are hundreds of politicians, party hacks and volunteers hunting your vote at the upcoming election. Election day is Saturday 23rd September 2017.
I Fish. I Care. I Vote has been developed to help you understand what each party is promising in terms of fisheries. As you can see below, some parties have promised nothing, not even bothering to issue a fisheries policy.
LegaSea accepts that there are many issues aside from fishing that will influence your vote. However, there is an increasing number of people who are adamant that they are voting on fish this election. The table below outlines where each party stands. More detail is available if you want to dig deeper. LegaSea will update the following information as more parties release their policies.

We have every right to expect more abundant fisheries and a healthier marine environment and our MPs are the people who can deliver these outcomes.
Every one of us needs to encourage our family, friends, neighbours and colleagues to get involved.
Ultimately, it’s up to us. If we want to be successful and pass on a legacy of more abundant fisheries to the next generation we need to start at this election.
What you can do:
- Stay informed of developments as they occur – sign up to LegaSea for regular updates.
- Help us spread the message – donate to LegaSea.
- Read the party policies.
- Tell your MP I Fish. I Care. I Vote – call, visit or email your MP.
- Attend a public meeting and tell people fisheries are important.
- Encourage the people in your life to sign up to LegaSea.
- Make an informed choice on September 23rd.
Success feels good and everyone is counting down towards election day. Let’s make the 23rd of September 2017 the day our voice is heard: I Fish. I Care. I Vote.
Who’s saying what?
ACT – no policy provided
Mana – no policy provided
Green Party – The Green Party stands for protecting our oceans and ensuring healthy ecosystems and abundant fisheries. Sadly, under the National government, our fisheries management system is failing….A commission of inquiry could ensure wide public consultation, enable whistle-blowers to provide confidential testimony, and develop substantive recommendations for change. Read more…
Labour Party – Labour’s primary focus will be on ensuring that our fisheries are sustainable and abundant and that ocean habitats are protected from the impacts of terrestrial and marine activities. Our current fisheries system lacks transparency and accountability – it has too many confusing and conflicting laws, regulations and rules, and not enough clarity about how all those measures are supposed to be achieved. Read more…
Maori Party – We support retaining the management of recreational fishing outside the Quota Management System but we would also support a review of the Quota Management System and current New Zealand fisheries management to address issues of fish dumping, the non-reporting of bycatch and illegal fishing practices. Read more….
National – has a made a statement around fisheries. However, none of it is relevant to our concerns highlighted in the Fisheries Manifesto. Read more….
New Zealand First – New Zealand First calls for a full Commission of Inquiry into fisheries management. The QMS has now been in place for thirty years, and whilst it was rightly regarded as world-leading when it was instituted, and has worked well in some regards, the QMS is now in need of a full review and overhaul. Read more….
New Zealand Outdoors Party – The Outdoors Party calls for a Royal Commission of Inquiry into fisheries management and the Quota Management System. We will see a rebalancing of the books where the Tangata Whenua and the public of New Zealand are considered before profits. Read more….
The Opportunities Party – TOP will use spatial planning to ensure all ocean users have fair access to the resources in our Exclusive Economic Zone. This would also ensure that at least 10% of all ecosystems are set aside as no-take reserves, with compensation for existing users where appropriate. This process would be funded by a resource rental on all commercial ocean resource users.
United Future – Amend the Fisheries Act to create “Recreational Only Species”, giving recreational fishers priority over commercial fishers for specific species of fish. The Ministry of Primary Industries will establish a biomass bottom line for these species, setting a permanent minimum tonnage of fish. Recreational bag limits will be set within the minimum biomass tonnage of fish ensuring that overfishing by commercial operators won’t affect recreational limits. Read more….
“The sea, the great unifier, is man’s only hope. Now, as never before, the old phrase has a literal meaning: We are all in the same boat.”
Jacques CousteauHistory