
Crayfish leftovers not good enough

March 28, 2015 There are ongoing issues related to the management of our crayfish stocks that need to be addressed this year. Crayfish are a prized shellfish, a taonga, and we need to be sure that the public’s long-term interests are protected and we have reasonable access to our crayfish. In our recent submission responding to the latest […]

Stop wasting our fish!

March 12, 2015 Fish dumping and unnecessary wastage in our fisheries has to stop, and many of you have the handiest tool to address it – your cellphone camera. Several trawlermen have revealed that dumping happens on every trawl. One skipper estimates 10-15 bins of undersized fish were thrown back dead after every trawl. The crew is required […]

Surprising results from recreational catch survey

March 12, 2015 Over 4.5 million snapper, 1.1 million kahawai, and 680,000 blue cod were caught and kept by recreational fishers during 2011-12. These are the three most popular marine species, by number, in New Zealand. Around 5.4 % of all finfish was taken from charter vessels. These estimates and harvest figures for other popular species have been detailed […]

Are yellowfin on the comeback?

March 5, 2015 It seems that yellowfin tuna are not gone forever from New Zealand waters. Dare we hope that this season is just the start of their return, or is this just a painful reminder of the superb fishery that has been lost? The Bay of Plenty was once our yellowfin ‘tuna capital’ over summer. For most […]

Crayfish becoming exclusive property

March 1, 2015 Crayfish might not be on everyone’s catch list but they are a treasured meal when shared with family and friends. Not surprisingly they are also a valuable commercial species so when it comes to management there is always high interest in any catch increases. Management of five crayfish stocks is under review. These stocks extend […]

Fishing amongst seabirds

February 21, 2015 More species of seabirds breed in New Zealand than anywhere else in the world. Seabirds are good indicators of what is below the water’s surface, this makes them an angler’s best friend. But when seabirds get close to the boat they can easily tangle in our fishing lines or get caught on baited hooks. This can […]

Surprises in new recreational harvest survey

February 17, 2015 Over 4.5 million snapper, 1.1 million kahawai and 680,000 blue cod were caught and kept by recreational fishers during 2011-12. These are the three most popular marine species, by number, in New Zealand. Around 5.4 percent of all finfish was taken from charter vessels. These estimates and harvest figures for other popular species have been […]

Fishing smarter to avoid waste

February 15, 2015 Since last year’s rule changes, there has been an increase in the numbers of gut hooked snapper being released. These fish will most likely die. This outcome goes against all notions of conservation and makes us feel bad when we watch these wasted fish floating away or being eaten by birds. However, this is a […]

Recreational fishing is not a waste

February 10, 2015 Summer is a hectic time of year for the LegaSea team as there are so many fund raising events, fishing contests and community gatherings to attend. It is such a buzz to see people enjoying the fishing, the camaraderie with their mates, and spending quality time amongst family. And this is just a snapshot of […]

Crayfish management under the spotlight

January 30, 2015 Crayfish are a prized catch and important ecologically so it is critical we protect the fishery from over-exploitation. The Ministry for Primary Industries has just issued proposals for the future management of several fisheries, including the northern crayfish stock called CRA1. LegaSea again objects short consultation timeframes, this time we only have 18 working days […]