June 26, 2020
Yes. Rescue Fish advocates immediately moving to an Ecosystem-based Management (EBM) approach to governance. In terms of management, removing mobile bottom contact fishing methods that destroy the seabed and its organisms will be a giant step forward in terms of EBM. However, in any EBM proposal it is important to start with a definition of […]
August 23, 2018
LegaSea comments LegaSea supports marine reserves where they deliver tangible benefits to the marine resources. Where marine reserves are proposed as a conservation measure for fisheries management we have found, through experience and research, that they do not always deliver the intended benefits. Contrary to current legislation and often in response to inadequate fisheries management, […]
August 23, 2018
Specific restrictions on commercial fishing apply in many parts of the Bay of Islands. Some restrictions apply only to the southern areas of the Bay, others regulations apply to the whole inner Bay of Islands. A rahui, customary management area, applies in Maunganui Bay, around the sunken wreck the Canterbury and Deep Water Cove in […]
May 22, 2020
Yes, however, the Rescue Fish policy is focused on managing fish stocks at higher levels and restoring biodiversity so establishing a marine reserve is not the first priority. The Rescue Fish policy proposes that we turn the entire coastline of New Zealand into a Special Management Area. Rules can be made to ban all bottom […]
May 22, 2020
The ocean sustains life on Earth. Every second breath we take is oxygen produced by phytoplankton. A healthy ocean will help us to maintain our Kiwi way of life for generations to come. The ocean can provide for our social, cultural and economic needs.
May 22, 2020
We can restore marine abundance by managing fish stocks at higher levels. Rescue Fish promotes managing fish stocks at 50% of its natural, unfished level. A fishery managed at 50% of its assumed natural size is considered to be a sustainable fish stock. The 50% level is international best practice. When a fish stock is […]