Rescue Fish

What are the problems that Rescue Fish will fix?

May 22, 2020 New Zealand’s fish stocks are depleted and there has been a loss of marine biodiversity. Ecosystem function is now compromised. As fish become scarcer and people become more aware of the environmental impacts of industrial fishing there are increasing conflicts between different interest groups. This is a direct result of the destructive, non-selective bulk harvesting […]

Will Kiwis benefit from Rescue Fish being adopted?

May 22, 2020 Yes. New Zealanders will benefit from more fish in the sea and a healthier marine environment that will contribute to our well-being. There will also be, over time, increased income from commercial fishing and the resource rentals that fishing generates. The benefits will grow as the resource rental income increases, and as fish stocks rebuild. […]

What can I do to promote Rescue Fish?

May 21, 2020 Sign the Rescue Fish petition. Visit the Rescue Fish website to learn more. Like, share and talk about Rescue Fish on social media. Facebook