
Proposed crayfish catch increases unacceptable

April 6, 2017 LegaSea has responded to the Ministry for Primary Industries’ (MPI) annual review of rock lobster sustainability measures. MPI’s January discussion paper proposed the following changes to the Total Allowable Commercial Catch (TACC) – 9% decrease to the commercial catch level in CRA 3 (East Cape, Gisborne) 23% or 27% reduction to the commercial catch level […]

Feasibility of reporting recreational catch

April 5, 2017 At LegaSea we are regularly asked, “What is the story with everyone reporting their recreational catch?” and “do you support individual reporting?” Short answer, no. We prefer an independent assessment of all catch to avoid any bias that may arise from self-reporting. We currently have internationally acclaimed, robust and reliable recreational estimation method designed by […]

Kaikoura fishing closure

April 4, 2017 After the Kaikoura earthquake in November, the Minister for Primary Industries enacted his emergency powers under the Fisheries Act 1996 to close off fishing in the Kaikoura area. This was in light of shocking photos that emerged of large areas of seabed being forced from the water, with all the sea life still attached. There […]

Recreational catch reporting

April 3, 2017 Recreational catch reporting is often touted as the missing link in the fisheries management equation. Truth is New Zealand has a world-leading method of estimating recreational catch. It is highly independent to avoid the bias associated with self-reported catch that often plagues estimates of commercial catch, and licensing requirements. More information does not always equal […]

Survey of recreational rock lobster fishers in CRA2

March 31, 2017 New Zealand Sport Fishing Council March 2017 Between January and March 2017 a survey was conducted to measure people’s perceptions of the state of the rock lobster (crayfish) fishery on the northeast coast of the North Island, known in management terms as CRA 2. Over 800 responses were received, with many respondents having dived or […]

Chester’s Fanatical Fishos do it again

March 31, 2017 A big shout out to Chester’s Plumbing and Bathroom Supplies, New Lynn, for their ongoing support of LegaSea. Chester’s donated $5000 to LegaSea during their annual Fanatical Fishos competition at the end of February. Chester’s has donated several thousand dollars annually for the past 21 years and this makes them one of the longest serving […]

Crayfish survey defies Ministry spin

March 20, 2017 A landmark survey of people who pot and dive for crayfish on the northeast coast between Pakiri and East Cape defies Ministry for Primary Industries’ assurances that the fishery is doing well. More than three quarters (78.6%) of the 822 survey respondents described the size and availability of crayfish in this popular fishery as 1 […]

A chance to remove trawling from the Hauraki Gulf

March 3, 2017 A new initiative to restore abundance and diversity in the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park was presented in early December. The Sea Change Tai Timu Tai Pari, Marine Spatial Plan is the result of three years of collaboration by a wide range of stakeholders from within the Marine Park. This bold new plan proposes the complete […]

Mismanagement of crayfish continues

March 3, 2017 LegaSea has responded to the Ministry for Primary Industries’ annual review of rock lobster sustainability measures. The MPI discussion paper proposed the following changes to the Total Allowable Commercial Catch from April 1st this year: 9% decrease to the commercial catch level in CRA3 (East Cape, Gisborne) 23% or 27% reduction to the commercial catch […]

RMA appeal

February 28, 2017 In December 2016 the Environment Court made a landmark ruling over the right to make fisheries restrictions through the Resource Management Act (RMA). After the MV Rena ran aground on Astrolade Reef in 2011, spilling oil, the Bay of Plenty community, hapu and iwi raised their concerns about the risks to the local environment. They […]