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Improvements to the Gulf moving at snail’s pace

April 4, 2024 Whether you’re an avid fisherman, diver, or just enjoy the glorious landscape of the Hauraki Gulf, the proposed Hauraki Gulf Marine Protection Bill will determine where and what you can access in our Marine Park. The Environment Select Committee recently concluded public hearings on the Protection Bill and the range of views expressed over two […]

Look out Coromandel, trawlers are heading your way…

April 1, 2024 The pristine waters of the Coromandel could become the last resort for bottom trawling and seining if the Hauraki Gulf Marine Protection Bill gets through Parliament. The Environment Select Committee is currently reviewing the Protection Bill, after holding hearings in Auckland in early March. Successive submitters urged the Committee to consider the wider impacts of […]

LegaSea newsletter #144 – Wise decision-making or blatant commercial bias?

March 27, 2024 Last Friday the Minister for Oceans and Fisheries, Shane Jones, made his first round of decisions for a range of fish stocks across New Zealand. While we hoped for a positive outcome, we have instead been left with a sour taste for what is to come. What is clear from the decisions is the Minister’s […]

The demise of East Coast crayfish

March 20, 2024 A part of being a good Kiwi is sticking up for our neighbours when something’s not right. Now is the time tosupport our whānau living around the North Island’s east coast, as their crayfish is under threat. We need to work together as crayfish are a national taonga, a treasure. Local communities, Māori, and commercial […]

The consequences of collapsing shellfish populations

March 14, 2024 Collecting kai moana is a Kiwi summer tradition, wading in knee-deep water, collecting buckets of pipi, cockles, or whatever else your auntie fancies. It’s an ancient practice, and a way of life for some. Running out of hands to collect used to be the norm. Instead, we are faced with emergency closures and rāhui, temporary […]

LegaSea newsletter #143 – Quite frankly, it’s embarrassing

March 13, 2024 It’s been 24 years since the establishment of the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park and 9 years since the Sea Change programme was initiated to restore the Park. In that time tens of thousands of hours from volunteers, contractors and employees of a myriad of organisations have been invested into developing a pathway to restored abundance […]

Baitfish matter too!

March 10, 2024 Marine ecosystems are delicate. When something is out of balance it impacts a variety of species. It can be likened to a domino effect. It’s about who eats who. Baitfish including Blue and Jack mackerels are a perfect example. It’s incredible that such a small fish can influence the way an ecosystem functions. Yet it’s […]

Dead fish floating in the Gulf – Just one consequence of industrial fishing

March 6, 2024 You can’t beat a Summer’s day out in the Hauraki Gulf, coming home relaxed and refreshed and if you’re lucky, a couple of fish in the chilly bin.   What you don’t expect, is the horrifying sight of hundreds lifeless snapper drifting in the sea. This is exactly what happened back in February. It was heartbreaking […]

A thriving fishery benefits local economies

February 9, 2024 Our oceans serve a much greater purpose than just being a source of kai moana. The value of spending time with whanau fishing off your local wharf or on Grandad’s dinghy is priceless. Exchanging stories at the end of a long day is what makes lasting memories. What might go unnoticed is the contribution such […]

The stench of a rotting quota system

February 2, 2024 New Zealand’s fisheries management system is so corrupted some commercial fishers are earning less than $4 per kilo for whole fish retailing at $60 for skinned and boned fillets. Our Quota Management System is so rotten that small-scale fishers doing the right thing in New Zealand are becoming an endangered species. Reform of the system […]