June 19, 2021
A high court decision that protects tarakihi sets a precedent for protecting other fish populations and is a milestone in fisheries management, says marine conservation group LegaSea. “It’s a hugely important judgement that has run under the radar”, said LegaSea spokesperson Sam Woolford. “Firstly, the court affirmed that decisions made by the previous Minister of […]
June 18, 2021
After 5 long years the Kaikōura pāua fishery is set to reopen. It's been a hard wait for one of New Zealand's most enjoyed fisheries and there is plenty of excitement at the prospect of it reopening. Stocks are looking good, but as expected, there will be are plenty of changes being recommended for recreational harvest rules.
June 17, 2021
Limited time to submit on Kaikōura pāua reopening Kaikōura locals have lost access to their favourite fisheries due to natural disasters including earthquakes and unnatural disasters, through preference being given to commercial interests. Now it’s time for us to submit in support of recovering access to the pāua fishery. We have until 5 July to […]
June 1, 2021
To celebrate National Kahawai Day 2021, we ran a competition asking you to share your kahawai-related stories. Here are some beautiful stories below. Respect for kahawai – Andrew Penny “I will admit that it took some time to hold kahawai in the high regard that I do now. Growing up fishing in the Manukau, […]
May 28, 2021
LegaSea is celebrating May 28th as National Kahawai Day, in recognition of the community coming together in the early 2000s to save ‘the people’s fish’. The 4-year Kahawai Legal Challenge was the first time recreational fishers had taken the Minister of Fisheries to court since the Quota Management System was introduced 20 years prior. It […]
May 27, 2021
“But to see the kahawai at its best we have to go to New Zealand. There, huge shoals of these fish range the coast and work away up the inlets and rivers. One of these big bodies of fish on the move is a stirring sight.” – Wal Hardy, The Saltwater Angler (1966). Kahawai is […]
May 20, 2021
A healthy scallop population has provided for the social, economic and cultural wellbeing of mana whenua for centuries and coastal Coromandel communities for decades. There is growing concern by Ngāti Hei and local interests about the depletion of scallops in Opito Bay at the end of the Kūaotunu Peninsula on the eastern side of the […]
May 13, 2021
The Hutchwilco New Zealand Boat Show starts today and LegaSea will be there for the full 4 days. We are looking forward to talking with you face to face. There is certainly a lot to talk about, from the launch of Rescue Fish, the fight against bottom trawling and dredging, and where the heck all […]
May 12, 2021
A new report shows some scallop beds off the Coromandel coast are unlikely to recover from their current depleted state, and locals are concerned that ongoing dredging will threaten the future of the delicacy. The report summarises a dive survey commissioned by the New Zealand Sport Fishing Council in 2020. In some areas of Opito […]
May 5, 2021
As we head into May, fishers and boaties among us are only thinking about one thing – The Hutchwilco New Zealand Boat Show. With last year’s event being cancelled for Covid, we are more than looking forward to this year’s event. This is our chance to talk to you face to face, and there is […]