February 28, 2017
At LegaSea we often hear, “You guys are doing an amazing job, what can I do to help?” Until now, we haven’t had a decent answer. Now we have. We would like to take this opportunity to explain how you can make a real difference to our future fishing prospects: You can become a LegaSea […]
February 28, 2017
As recreational fishers become more environmentally aware there is a growing willingness and desire to fish more sustainably. The ability to go out and catch a reasonable feed and enjoy some time on the water with friends and family is precious to many of us, no one wants to lose this. Due to this we […]
February 22, 2017
As part of the Ministry for Primary Industries’ (MPI) newly proposed initiative, Future of our Fisheries (FOOF), video surveillance is planned to be installed on all commercial fishing vessels. The east coast North Island snapper fishery (SNA 1) was chosen as a trial for these cameras. Somewhat prematurely, MPI has decided that this means it […]
February 14, 2017
LegaSea and the New Zealand Sport Fishing Council have responded strongly to proposals from the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) relating to the future management of three rock lobster fisheries around the coast from East Cape to Wellington and up to Foxton, and Otago in the south. Unfortunately, MPI wants to allow increased commercial fishing […]
February 9, 2017
On 6th December, the SeaChange Tai Timu Tai Pari, Marine Spatial Plan for the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park was presented for public review. This three-year planning process is a collaboration by representatives of a wide range of stakeholders from within the Marine Park and its catchments. The principal organisations behind the planning process, Auckland Council […]
February 9, 2017
As we fish through another summer of mixed success we’ve had lots of time to think about our fisheries and wonder how we’ve got it so wrong. Our fishing is not the same as what our forefathers had and it’s pretty scary to think what we have to pass onto our next generations. Thankfully the […]
January 18, 2017
“New Zealand has a world-leading quota management system”. A line the people of New Zealand hear all too often. Usually in response to a cry from the public about how something has gone amiss in our fisheries. But let’s stop and think about this. Firstly, for arguments sake, let’s say we are “world leading”. Why […]
January 18, 2017
The sun hasn’t even peaked over the horizon, yet you find yourself rolling over to silence that obnoxious alarm. Exhausted from a restless night, plagued by anticipation of the day to come. Despite this you spring out of bed and slip into those old clothes tucked away in your bottom draw, that musty, fishy smell […]
January 13, 2017
WIN one of two tackle packs each valued at $250! Staunch LegaSea supporters Black Magic have put up a tackle bag and pack of fish catching terminal tackle worth $250 for a prize in our subscriber promotion. Open to current subscribers/Legends and new subscribers. How to enter: Tag a mate on the Facebook post, subscribe to […]