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Momentous Court Decision

October 4, 2023 It’s almost a year since the High Court declared the Minister’s 2021 and 2022 decisions for the future management of Northland crayfish (CRA 1) were unlawful. The Court directed the Minister to review CRA 1 again. That review occurred earlier this year and the outcome was underwhelming. Firstly, Fisheries New Zealand (FNZ) provided the Minister […]

Hauraki Gulf Marine Park Fisheries Plan

October 1, 2023 In good faith over the past decade we have engaged in discussions about improving the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park environment. We’ve advocated for a ban on bottom trawling, dredging and seining. The Park also needs to be designated as a separate fisheries management area so fish populations can be restored to more natural levels. After […]

No anchoring or fishing this summer?

September 29, 2023 Look out. Caulerpa may be coming to a bay near you this summer. It’s an invasive seaweed species that may stop you from fishing or anchoring in your favourite place. Underwater it looks like a green carpet of kikuyu grass and it’s already infesting the seabed in some areas at Aotea Great Barrier Island, Kawau […]

Election 23 – Who’s taking our oceans seriously?

September 28, 2023 On 15 September we sent questions to the major political parties (ACT, Greens, Labour, Te Pāti Māori, National, and NZ First) about their Oceans and Fisheries Policies if they were in government. As of 28 September, we have received answers from ACT, Greens and National. The full questions and their answers can be read here. […]

LegaSea newsletter #139 – An election, consultations and an AGM

September 28, 2023 Either coincidentally, or on purpose, there are two very important public consultations on Hauraki Gulf Marine Park issues running over the election and into November. A cynic might suggest that these were timed to keep the public focus away from these issues. It’s likely we will never find out if that’s true.

Public vote with their conscience – and their stomachs

September 27, 2023 Media release: Horizon polling results With an election looming, a new survey has found conservative ocean fishing policies will be a top priority for many people casting their votes in the October general election. The nationwide survey by Horizon Research, found 68% of Kiwis believe conservative ocean fishing policies should have top priority, or be […]

Large snapper and crayfish missing the kina feast

September 20, 2023 Kina might not be on everyone’s list of favourite foods, yet when it comes to the marine environment they are significant indicators of how well our inshore marine ecosystem is functioning. Off the coast of east Northland down to the Bay of Plenty, the numbers of kina are increasing. This is bringing joy to people […]

Marine environment has no rights

September 19, 2023 Fisheries decisions have dominated the news over the past month. Many of us at LegaSea are still scratching our heads. The government needs to get serious about restoring the Hauraki Gulf. This starts by removing trawling and dredging so we can rebuild fish populations. Science has unequivocally proven the damage that trawling and dredging does […]

Scallop season opens… No wait?!

September 1, 2023 Normally the opening of scallop season generates a sense of excitement. After a long, cold, dark winter the 1st September was an opportunity to dust off the dive gear and christen the new Spring with a crisp September dive… but not this year! Late last year, Minister for Oceans and Fisheries, David Parker acknowledged the […]

LegaSea newsletter #138 – Election fever

September 1, 2023 It must be election season as we’ve seen a range of fisheries plans, legislation and proposals from the government in the last few weeks. On Tuesday Rachel Brooking, Minister for Oceans and Fisheries, launched public consultation for the Bottom Fishing Access Zones, or trawl corridors, in the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park. Then on Wednesday the […]