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Sealord thinks we’re dumb

April 4, 2013 It’s a pretty harsh statement, however Sealords latest TV ad is all about buying canned yellowfin tuna with the tag line “Smart Choice”. Now that’s dumb! Yellowfin tuna are almost extinct in New Zealand waters. Yes, that’s right… extinct! This statement may be fuel for debate -­‐ and hopefully it is. Scientists, governments, and companies […]

An innovative way to conserve fish

February 2, 2013 Free Fish Heads is a new innovation aimed at getting Kiwis to make the most of what they catch. Instead of whipping off the fish fillets and dumping the rest, people can now share the heads and frames with others who welcome the succulent bits of meat tucked in amongst the bones. LegaSea is supporting […]

LegaSea has broad appeal

October 24, 2012 LegaSea is a cause working for ‘more fish in the water for future generations’. To achieve that vision we need at least 20,000 people to get on board and make a contribution towards protecting our fishing interests, for now and the future. We have cracked the first ton. Now we are depending on broad-minded Kiwis […]

Charting our future

September 10, 2012 In Aotearoa we have four million residents, soon that will be six; more fish in the water will be needed to provide for future generations’ needs. Aside from northern kahawai, we have few examples of fisheries being managed with our kids’ interests in mind. Hence the need for LegaSea! As recreational fishers, we neither have […]

Future abundance is in your hands

September 1, 2012 LegaSea has been launched to achieve the vision of ‘more fish in the water for future generations’. It’s a bold plan that supports the people campaigning for less wasteful fishing practices, protection of sensitive marine habitats and to ensure fish conserved today are available for tomorrow’s generation of fishers. All it takes is a simple […]

NZSFC – Rock Lobster Management

August 22, 2010 The New Zealand Sport Fishing Council has been engaged and participating in all relevant fisheries management, planning and science processes for many years. For a comprehensive record of this work please visit this Index Page and then refer to the species or area of interest.

Option4 – Rock Lobster Crayfish Management

December 1, 2005 Since 1992 the New Zealand the rock lobster fisheries have been managed by a national-level, multi-stakeholder group called the National Rock Lobster Management Group (NRLMG). A variety of interests are involved in this forum including commercial quota owners, commercial fishers, customary fishers, the New Zealand Recreational Fishing Council, and representatives from environmental and conservation groups. […]