Media releases

Media release – Widespread support for Waiheke rāhui

December 2, 2021 Media release 1 December 2021 Widespread support for Waiheke rāhui The Minister’s approval for a two-year temporary closure to fishing around Waiheke Island has drawn praise from divergent groups. The declining numbers of scallops, mussels, crayfish and pāua has prompted Ngāti Pāoa to declare a rāhui banning all harvest of these species around Waiheke Island […]

Groups unite to call an end to all of bottom contact fishing in the Hauraki Gulf

November 19, 2021 Media release: 19 November 2021 Conservation groups and recreational fishers have banded together for the first time to call for an end to destructive mobile bottom contact fishing methods that destroy the seabed in the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park. The move follows the release today of an Horizon Research poll, commissioned by the Hauraki Gulf […]

Recreational fishers welcome Minister’s conservative fisheries decisions

October 1, 2021 New commercial catch limits applying from October 1 show a considered, conservative approach by Minister David Parker to protecting fish. LegaSea Lead, Sam Woolford said: “A record number, more than 10,000 people sent in submissions to Fisheries Minister David Parker for this year’s fishing sustainability review. We are encouraged that people are starting to understand […]

Harvesting ban welcomed but fears remain

September 8, 2021 Groups that worked to save Coromandel scallop beds are delighted with David Parker’s decision to endorse the regional rāhui on scallops. But, at the same time, are concerned commercial fishers will now desecrate the already threatened scallop beds off Omaha, Great Barrier and Little Barrier. Ngāti Hei kaitiaki, Joe Davis welcomed the decision to ban […]

Commercial fishers undo community’s efforts to save scallops

August 12, 2021 Commercial fishers who flagrantly dredged scallop beds while flying a pirate flag have undone the good work of communities who have tried to save the beds by observing a rahui. In December 2020, a voluntary rāhui was laid on the eastern Coromandel coastline to protect dwindling numbers of scallops from dredging and overharvest. In February […]

LegaSea celebrates historic tarakihi legal decision

June 19, 2021 A high court decision that protects tarakihi sets a precedent for protecting other fish populations and is a milestone in fisheries management, says marine conservation group LegaSea. “It’s a hugely important judgement that has run under the radar”, said LegaSea spokesperson Sam Woolford. “Firstly, the court affirmed that decisions made by the previous Minister of […]

Science shows Coromandel scallop beds are in decline

May 12, 2021 A new report shows some scallop beds off the Coromandel coast are unlikely to recover from their current depleted state, and locals are concerned that ongoing dredging will threaten the future of the delicacy. The report summarises a dive survey commissioned by the New Zealand Sport Fishing Council in 2020. In some areas of Opito […]

Self-regulating commercial fishing plan fails at first hurdle

March 25, 2021 Years of poor fisheries management by successive governments under the Quota Management System (QMS) has resulted in tarakihi populations along the east coast of both islands falling to just 15% of their original population size. In 2019, the previous Minister of Fisheries responded to this crisis with a token 10 percent cut in commercial catch […]

Communities rally to ban scallop dredging in the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park

March 23, 2021 Today the Hauraki Gulf Forum has confirmed its policy to remove all industrial bottom trawling and scallop dredging harvest techniques from the entire Hauraki Gulf Marine Park. This has come after a series of presentations around consequences and community actions of banning recreational dredging by LegaSea, Ngāti Hei, Ngāti Paoa and Revive Our Gulf. Years […]

Recreational fishers rallying support for Waiheke rāhui

January 30, 2021 The declining numbers of scallops, mussels, crayfish and paua has prompted Ngāti Pāoa to declare a rāhui banning all harvest of these species around Waiheke Island for two years and recreational fishers are supporting the initiative.  Representatives of the largest organisations of recreational fishing interests will attend the customary rāhui ceremony at 5.30am on Sunday […]