What is Rescue Fish?

May 22, 2020 Rescue Fish is a policy alternative to the Quota Management System aimed at restoring fish abundance and marine diversity. Rescue Fish means more fish in the sea. Rescue Fish promotes mechanisms to enhance the social, economic and cultural well-being from the use of New Zealand’s fisheries.

How much fish does the commercial sector take each year?

May 22, 2020 Commercial fishers land around 400,000 tonnes of fish per annum. In the fishing year from October 1st 2017 to 31st September 2018 commercial fishers landed just over 405,000 tonnes of fish.

How much fish do Maori customary fishers take each year ?

May 22, 2020 The total amount of fish harvested by Māori customary fishers is unknown. The Minister of Fisheries has a legal obligation to make provision for Māori customary catch and traditional practices. The total amount of fish set aside to enable Māori fishers to fulfil their customary needs is around 4000 tonnes per annum, nationwide.

How much fish do recreational fishers take each year?

May 22, 2020 Recreational fishers harvest around 10,000 tonnes of finfish and shellfish nationwide every year. In shared fisheries targeted by commercial and non-commercial fishers, recreational harvest is estimated to be around 19% of all catch. Shared fisheries tend to be inshore species that more accessible to the public.

How will Rescue Fish affect recreational fishers?

May 22, 2020 Rescue Fish will benefit recreational fishing interests through more abundant fish stocks and a healthier marine environment. Rebuilding depleted fish stocks will make more fish available inshore, and help to support other marine creatures including birds and mammals. A healthy fish population means a broader range of fish inhabiting the marine environment, providing for ecosystem […]

How much money does recreational fishing contribute to the New Zealand economy?

May 22, 2020 The recreational fishing industry contributes a significant amount of money to the New Zealand economy, which in turn supports fisheries management and other government services. Research by the New Zealand Marine Research Foundation in 2016 found that $946 million was spent annually on recreational fishing. This spending generated $1.7 billion dollars in economic activity nationwide […]

Why was the QMS introduced?

May 22, 2020 The Quota Management System was introduced to address fish depletion and overcapacity in the commercial sector, that is, too many people chasing too few fish. Some fish stocks were estimated to have been depleted to less than 10% of their natural stock size. The QMS was promoted as a means to rebuild depleted fish stocks, […]

When was the Quota Management System introduced to New Zealand?

May 22, 2020 The Quota Management System was introduced to New Zealand in 1986, although a form of quota had applied to some offshore fish stocks from 1983.

How much fish has been dumped and wasted since the introduction of the QMS?

May 22, 2020 Research by Dr Glenn Simmons of Auckland suggests that between 1950 and 2010 commercial fishers dumped more than 14 million tonnes of unreported catch. Working Paper. In 2014 the Ministry’s Director of Fisheries Management admitted discarding [dumping] was a systemic failure and something the Ministry had not been able to get on top of from […]

Why is recreational fishing important to New Zealanders?

May 22, 2020 Fishing is a way of life for many Kiwis. It contributes to the mental well-being of individuals, families and communities. It provides for social occasions that enhance the bonds between individuals, their families and community. Recreational fishing also provides educational opportunities as a teaching space for safety on the water, weather awareness, food gathering, cooking, […]