Donate to LegaSea

Become a LegaSea Legend Today.

Starting at just $20 per month, becoming a LegaSea Legend is more than just a financial commitment, it’s a leadership role. You can inspire others to join us, to lend a hand. We are not looking for a few Legends we are looking for thousands.

How your money is used

The running costs of funding the LegaSea team are met by partner and sponsor contributions alongside grants received from organisations impressed with the work we do.

Your contribution and all public donations are invested in advocacy, alignment, research and education.

Donate via internet banking
ASB bank account LegaSea

If you choose to donate by bank transfer please send us an email with your contact details so that we can get in touch [email protected]

Tax deductibility 
Please note – Donations to LegaSea are not tax deductible.
If you would like to contribute through your business please have a look at our sponsorship options or get in touch with us.

We take your privacy seriously, our privacy policy can be found here.

Need help?
If something is not working properly or you need help please get in touch with us.