“One of the best ever” is how Sam Woolford, LegaSea Project Leader, describes the recent Hutchwilco New Zealand Boat Show in Auckland.
Thanks to the generosity and support of show organisers LegaSea was at the 4-day event in May signing up new LegaSea Legends, acknowledging existing supporters, and spending time with our much valued Partners.

“Given the level of support from across the board it’s really important for LegaSea to showcase our achievements over the past year and offer people a range of ways to get onboard with the message of more fish in the water and a healthy marine environment”, said Sam.
The focus this year was signing up LegaSea Legends for a minimum of $20 per month and showcasing the range of Barkers X LegaSea gear. New Legends were given a free Barkers tee and cap in appreciation of their support and this proved to be a successful promotion over the course of the show.
LegaSea’s Corporate Relations and Fundraising Manager, Si Yates, was pleased with the progress made over the weekend.
“All the team felt this event was the most positive so far, with people offering encouragement, buying gear, and new Legends signing up. It’s also the best opportunity for us to get around and talk with our Partners and supporters who are all under the same roof. They are after all, the lifeblood of what we do.”
Another expression of the ‘bigger and better’ event was the success of the ITM Sea Wall. This feature is popular with kids and adults because it gives everyone a sense of what it may be like to rebuild our fisheries to abundant levels. For every gold coin donation people can select a fish, write a message and stick it on the wall.
“By the end of the show there was fish upon fish and few spaces left on the Sea Wall for any more”, enthused Si.
While the focus was clearly on public engagement, it was also an opportunity to spend time with keen volunteers and the latest team recruits. Angela Janse van Rensburg and Benn Winlove have recently joined the team. Ange in a fundraising capacity and Benn as digital support.
“Ange and Benn were able to directly relate to people who wanted to know more because they both have the advantage of being newbies to the message and what LegaSea is all about. It was great to have them working alongside the more experienced crew of Si and Piet Battaerd”, added Sam.
LegaSea appreciates the time and enthusiasm from all the volunteers over the event weekend.
Si Yates was very pleased, “It was a positive experience for our volunteers to have so many people walk up and say thanks, donate money, or share their fishing experiences. It all adds up to making our volunteers feel rewarded and appreciated”.
LegaSea Legends
Sign up to be a LegaSea Legend here
Barkers clothing
Get your Barkers X LegaSea gear here