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Win with Hī Ika cards

June 23, 2022 In every Turkish Bread Thin Crispy Pizza Bases 3 pack with a GO FISH sticker you’ll find 3 Hī Ika | GO FISH cards PLUS a competition card with a unique code. Enter this code on the LegaSea website and you will go into the draw to WIN one of 5 fantastic prize packs, or a […]

Our say will always matter

June 21, 2022 Recently, coastal clubs, communities, and the public united to tackle a Fisheries Amendment Bill that is currently sitting before parliament, involving a number of changes with the potential of redefining sustainability of our fish populations. Our fear is that this is another attempt by officials to cater to commercial-only interests by encouraging more overfishing and […]

Massive implications hidden in Fisheries Amendment Bill

June 14, 2022 Environmental, fishing and marine conservation groups have joined to fight clauses in the Fisheries Amendment Bill. While seemingly harmless, they in fact smuggle through major changes that aim to remove public and ministerial oversight from future fisheries decisions. Instead it enables bureaucrats working closely with industry players to maximise their commercial fishing returns.   The […]

Act now to stop us losing our voice!

June 14, 2022 Environmental, fishing and marine conservation groups have joined to fight clauses in the Fisheries Amendment Bill. While seemingly harmless, they in fact smuggle through major changes that aim to remove public and ministerial oversight from future fisheries decisions. Instead it enables bureaucrats working closely with industry players to maximise their commercial fishing returns. MAKE YOUR […]

Let the camera roll-out begin

May 27, 2022 In May 2022, the Government confirmed details of the roll-out of cameras onboard commercial fishing vessels. Details include a timeline and restrictions around what vessels have cameras, with the roll-out beginning and West Coast North Island inshore trawl and set net video footage becoming available from 30 November 2022. While it’s awesome to see a […]

LegaSea newsletter #121 – The people’s fish

May 27, 2022 With snapper season wrapping up and bluefin tuna marking the start of the cold season, it’s apt to think we would be slowing down into a steady pace for a while.  Well, that is not the case, with our team busier than ever preparing for upcoming campaigns, submissions, and events. Keep your eyes and ears […]

LegaSea newsletter # 120 – It’s show time!

May 6, 2022 Sailing into May is always an elevating time for us – we get our big opportunity to talk to you face to face at the Hutchwilco New Zealand Boat Show. We’ve got a lot to share and discuss this year. It’s been a massive year for scallops, hāpuku & bass, and community initiatives, and we […]

Marine groups welcome smaller bag limits for recreational fishers

April 20, 2022 Media release April 20, 2022 Recreational fishers and marine conservationists are embracing revised bag limit rules for recreational fishers as a logical step toward sustainable fish populations. Under the revised rules, all finfish, except baitfish, including those with species limits like snapper, are now included in the daily recreational bag limit. This is a step […]

LegaSea newsletter #119 – Scallops are off the menu… almost

April 13, 2022 It’s been a hectic month with the recent closing of New Zealand’s last commercially viable scallop fisheries.   Minister Parker announced the closure alongside several other conservative decisions for the future management of important species. We’ve been busy analysing these closures and what they actually mean for more fish in the water. As always it’s a mixed […]

Bottom trawler found guilty of fishing in closed area: groups call for govt to deny new fishing permits 

March 9, 2022 Environmentalists and recreational fishing groups today heralded the guilty verdict delivered to a Talley’s-owned bottom trawler, the Amaltal Apollo, and its skipper, for illegally bottom trawling on seamounts in international waters.   The groups repeated their call for the government to ban the destructive fishing practice on seamounts , and to refuse to issue high seas […]