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Recreational fishers rallying support for Waiheke rāhui

January 30, 2021 The declining numbers of scallops, mussels, crayfish and paua has prompted Ngāti Pāoa to declare a rāhui banning all harvest of these species around Waiheke Island for two years and recreational fishers are supporting the initiative.  Representatives of the largest organisations of recreational fishing interests will attend the customary rāhui ceremony at 5.30am on Sunday […]

Public urged to support voluntary scallop ban

January 29, 2021 A voluntary ban has been put in place to stop all take of scallops from Opito Bay on the eastern side of the Coromandel Peninsula. The Opito Bay community is asking the public to respect the ban over the summer of 2020-21. Signs have been installed at local boat ramps and information is available at […]

No diving or dredging for Coromandel scallops

January 26, 2021 The clear, calm waters of Opito Bay hide the stark reality that very few scallops survive on the eastern side of the Coromandel Peninsula. Once prolific scallop beds are so few and far between we now have an untenable situation. LegaSea has received multiple reports of commercial interests prospecting on the western side of Coromandel, […]

Paul Barnes obituary

January 20, 2021 Paul was a successful businessman who operated Paul’s Fishing Kites for 33 years, an inventor, a fisherman, and a conservationist. Paul and Peggy Barnes were the backbone of The 4 Principles that underpinned everything option4 stood for put us all on solid ground and made us safe to do the right thing. His advocacy […]

LegaSea newsletter #101 – Looking forward to a better 2021

January 20, 2021 We’re into another year and I think we’re all hoping it’s going to be far less dramatic than 2020! But no guarantees. With a refreshed government committed to change and a new Oceans and Fisheries Minister, now is the time to push hard for fisheries management reform and that’s exactly what we’ll be doing. The […]

A wrap of 2020

January 18, 2021 The past 12 months has been a rollercoaster ride for most of us, and on the fisheries front the year has been equally undulating. After a couple of ‘nearly there’ Coronavirus-interrupted moments we finally launched the Rescue Fish campaign in late May. What’s more, our New Zealand Sport Fishing Council fisheries team had a record-breaking […]

Best antidote for 2020

January 10, 2021 After an off-season of uncertainty, lockdowns and boat maintenance the rewards are taking family and friends out on the boat. There’s nothing quite like the squeals from kids as they hook up to their first fish, or the splutter as they see the underwater seascape for the first time. These good times depend on having […]

Reel Questions with Matt Watson

January 2, 2021 Reel Questions is a commentary series providing an insight to the opinions and experiences of individuals who have ties with our fish life and marine environment whether it be their livelihood, playground, creative influence, culture or simply a part of their lives. They all have a varied relationship with our coast and fish. Matt Watson […]

Are we daunted by depletion?

December 21, 2020 It can be quite scary when you realise that we don’t know much about what is happening at sea or the state of our fish stocks. That’s because there’s not enough onboard cameras or observers to monitor at-sea activity. What’s more, 56 percent of targeted fish stocks in the Quota Management System (QMS) have never […]

Coromandel locals take scallop decline crisis into their own hands

December 18, 2020 RNZ. A rapid decline in the scallop populations on the eastern side of the Coromandel Peninsula has seen LegaSea organise Coromandel locals place a rāhui on taking scallops this summer. Ngāti Hei kaumatua Joe Davis explains to Jesse why a lack of official action to address the situation has led to the locals stepping in.