
Tarakihi campaign success

September 15, 2018 This article was written prior to the release of the Minister’s tarakihi decision on 19th September 2018. LegaSea’s Time Out for Tarakihi campaign has closed with over 8000 people signing the petition urging the Minister to heed the best available science and cut commercial catches by 65%, so east coast stocks can rebuild to healthy […]

Calling time on the QMS

September 2, 2018 Crayfish on the northeast coast is just one of a litany of fish stocks well below what ordinary Kiwis would consider abundant and available. This dissatisfaction was evidenced during LegaSea’s recent Crayfish Crisis campaign when so many divers, fishers, and the New Zealand Underwater Association stood up and had their say. LegaSea was grateful for […]

Doing a u-turn on public service

August 27, 2018 In less time than it took to implement the Quota Management System and see its virtual demise, the public service has morphed into an array of government agencies operating on skin-tight budgets and answering primarily to corporate leaders. Fisheries is not immune. A rebranded Fisheries New Zealand (FNZ) is now just one layer of many […]

Conservation cannot be used as a weapon

August 25, 2018 This article was written prior to the release of the Minister’s tarakihi decision on 19th September 2018. LegaSea is celebrating the ongoing willingness of recreational fishers to conserve fish. On the flip side when we do volunteer conservation we need to make sure our collective efforts are effective and not used as a weapon against […]

Conviction of repeat offenders justifies MPI spending

August 14, 2018 LegaSea and the New Zealand Sport Fishing Council welcome the prosecution of Hawke’s Bay Seafood after the longest running district court case on record. The prosecution was brought against Antonino, Giancarlo and Marcus D’Espositofor falsifying catch records and exporting more fish to Australia than the company had reportedly caught. The Ministry for Primary Industries need […]

The Future Catch report

August 7, 2018 A draft report, ‘The Future Catch – Preserving recreational fisheries for the next generation’ was released on August 1st, 2017. The report is authored by Randall Bess, supported by The New Zealand Initiative, and funded by the US-based Aotearoa Foundation (Julian Robertson) and the late Sir Douglas Myers. This report follows a visit to Western […]

Time Out for Tarakihi

July 30, 2018 Tarakihi is a mealtime favourite for people who fish and those who buy it retail because it is notoriously good for cooking when fresh. Things are about to change between Otago and Northland. The main stocks on New Zealand’s east coast are severely depleted so substantial cuts to commercial catches are required to rebuild the […]

You can help rescue our tarakihi stocks

July 27, 2018 Tarakihi stocks on the eastern coasts of both islands are so depleted that the Minister of Fisheries must implement a rebuild plan before October 2018, and recreational fishing is in the firing line. Decades of trawling, dumping and high grading have taken their toll. Major catch reductions are required between Otago and North Cape if […]

What next for recreational fishing of tarakihi?

July 26, 2018 This article was written prior to the submission being completed and sent to Fisheries New Zealand. To see the current discussion on changes to recreational daily bag limits please read the submission in full here. Without exception, recreational fishers attending meetings with LegaSea have strongly supported conserving fish for future generations. Tarakihi management is currently […]

Unmasking a reluctant Ministry

July 6, 2018 Stuart Nash, Minister of Fisheries In just one week 48 separate items of news appeared in the media pointing to leaked reports identifying mass fish dumping, years of non-compliance, blatant under-reporting of thousands of tonnes of New Zealand fish and MPI senior officials turning a blind eye. How much more can we and our fisheries […]