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Why the QMS has to go

November 15, 2019 There is a growing call that the Quota Management System has to go. It is not fit for purpose because it is not delivering on its goals of resource sustainability and economic efficiency. Our fisheries managers need to start applying the environmental and precautionary principles in the Fisheries Act 1996 otherwise Regional Councils will step […]

Talk is cheap

November 10, 2019 In the same week that our Prime Minister is explaining the Maori concept of kaitiakitanga, guardianship, to the United Nations her fisheries Minister is at home setting catch limits way too high for some fish stocks. Stuart Nash announced his decisions for 20 fish stocks four days before they were due to come into effect […]

Many versions of sustainability

November 6, 2019 LegaSea is clear that decisive action needs to be taken now to protect our fish stocks from collapse. That means putting the handbrake on catch increases until we know more about how many fish are in the water. No such restraint is evidenced in the latest management proposals from Fisheries New Zealand. FNZ has just […]

Stop killing our life support system

November 5, 2019 There are a lot of things people did in the 1900s that are not acceptable today. One of those unacceptable behaviours is bottom trawling in inshore waters. Science shows us that bottom trawling catches fish indiscriminately and it impacts on the seabed, killing the three dimensional structure that supports essential organisms. Those organisms attract small […]

Why is trawling and dredging allowed inshore?

November 5, 2019 In 2017 MPI openly admitted that bottom trawling and dredging are the most destructive fishing methods, causing damage to seabed habitats and reducing the density and diversity of the species that live there. So why is trawling and dredging still permitted inshore? Mitigating the effects of fishing on the marine environment is a core function […]

What is bottom trawling?

October 31, 2019  What is trawling? A trawl is a tunnel shaped fishing net which is towed through the water by a vessel on the surface of the water. As the net is towed through the water strains out through the mesh entrapping the fish and retaining them in the cod end of the trawl bag. The […]

Most New Zealanders think it’s illegal

October 31, 2019 Bottom trawling is an indiscriminate fish harvesting process, capturing all in its path and scraping vital marine growth off the seabed. The damage is unseen as it’s underwater and out of sight. The environmental impacts from the agricultural sector is attracting increasing attention and public concern about the damage caused by some commercial fishing methods […]

The destructiveness of bottom trawling

October 30, 2019 Bottom trawling is an industrial fishing method that involves dragging a large, weighted net along the seafloor with the intention of mass collection. In this short video, Dr Simon Thrush, a marine scientist from Auckland University, discusses how bottom trawling works and why it is so destructive. LegaSea believes bottom trawling needs to be stopped […]

Kiwis want tarakihi fishing quota cut significantly amid major concern over fisheries management

October 17, 2019 Seventy percent of New Zealanders want the commercial fishing quota for tarakihi cut dramatically to help the country’s fish and chips favourite to recover, a new survey has revealed. The survey conducted by Horizon Research for LegaSea, a not-for-profit organisation raising awareness of issues affecting the marine environment, found 70% want a cut of between […]

No escape from the truth

October 8, 2019 LegaSea is intrigued by MPI’s reaction to the most recent report of recreational harvest estimates. Since 2012 total recreational catch of finfish is down by 19% and shellfish and other non-finfish species catch has reduced by 41%. On the day the harvest estimate report was released MPI ignored those details and instead made out that […]