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It’s winter kingfish time

May 15, 2020 New Zealand has a world class yellowtail kingfish fishery. Out of the 37 International Game Fish Association claimed world records for southern yellowtail, 35 have been captured in New Zealand and two captured in Australia. Popular with travelling international fishers, they are also a highly prized sport fish for Kiwis.  The economic and social value […]

Reel Questions with Mandy Kupenga

May 7, 2020 Reel Questions is a commentary series providing an insight to the opinions and experiences of individuals who have ties with our fish life and marine environment whether it be their livelihood, playground, creative influence, culture or simply a part of their lives. They all have a varied relationship with our coast and fish. We ask […]

Spotlight on political donations and decisions

April 24, 2020 Serious concerns have been raised after revelations that some donations to political parties are going unreported. The spotlight has been on New Zealand First Party in particular due to its funding by the New Zealand First Foundation. Of broader concern is the influence that donations may be having on policy and decision making. LegaSea’s research […]

Reel Questions with Darren Shields

April 23, 2020 Reel Questions is a commentary series providing an insight to the opinions and experiences of individuals who have ties with our fish life and marine environment whether it be their livelihood, playground, creative influence, culture or simply a part of their lives. They all have a varied relationship with our coast and fish. We ask […]

The Kai ika project ramps up

April 23, 2020 Over the last four years 60,000kg of fish parts have been collected and shared with South Auckland Families via our project partner Papatūānuku Kōkiri Marae. This was during relatively prosperous times. Then, COVID-19 hit. Overnight, The Kai Ika Project became an ‘Essential Service’. The country was locked down, the numbers of unemployed skyrocketed and being […]

Will fish stocks benefit from no fishing during the Covid-19 lockdown?

April 23, 2020 Restricting fishing during the Covid-19 lockdown may have short-term benefits for some fish stocks. The restrictions are unlikely to make a measurable difference to depleted stocks. Depleted fish stocks will only rebuild if meaningful catch reductions are applied and the productivity of the marine environment is restored, by banning destructive bulk harvesting fishing methods from […]

Reel Questions, with Grant Dixon

April 16, 2020 Reel Questions is a commentary series providing an insight to the opinions and experiences of individuals who have ties with our fish life and marine environment whether it be their livelihood, playground, creative influence, culture or simply a part of their lives. They all have a varied relationship with our coast and fish. We ask […]

Depletion forces closure in Bay of Islands

March 27, 2020 Locals in the northern Bay of Islands have succeeded in getting legal protection for mussels around the Black Rocks and out to the Ninepin. The Minister of Fisheries Stuart Nash has approved a bylaw that prohibits anyone taking green-lipped, blue and black mussels from within the Te Puna Mataitai, from March 23rd, 2020. The bylaw […]

Let’s be more careful with our crayfish

March 20, 2020 If diamonds are a girl’s best friend then crayfish must be a diver’s best friend. And no matter where you go around the country crayfish is a significant species for environmental, customary, recreational and commercial fishing interests. Recently our fisheries team submitted in response to proposals for the future management of crayfish in Northland, Gisborne, […]

Update on Motiti, RMA fishing controls, and the NZSFC response

March 19, 2020 Recent court decisions concerning waters around Motiti Island have surprised the recreational fishing public. The Court has essentially approved the ability for regional council’s to control fishing under the Resource Management Act (RMA). These decisions mean that there is potential for the closure of fishing areas in the Territorial Sea all around New Zealand. The […]